Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bottom Line Bass

I had a conversation with someone recently in which they bemoaned the fact that ESPN did not run the Bassmaster Elite Series results on the Bottom Line (you know the sports ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen). The thing is - that is not a fact.

I am not the type of sports fan that rushes to ESPN after being out all day to catch the ball scores or any other sports news on the Bottom Line, although I am surrounded by people who do just that. So when I mentioned this person's observation in idle conversation, those self-same, co-worker-sports-fanatics were quick to tell me it was mistaken. Then Sunday morning, I paid attention to the Bottom Line and sure enough there it was....."Skeet Reese leads the Capitol Clash on the Potomac River...." It even gave the Angler of the Year standings.

I don't know when it typically runs, but I'm told it's a regular when a tournament is going on.

By the way, apparently you can get the Bottom Line delivered straight to your PC. If you're an over-the-top sports fan of the stick and ball OR hook and bullet variety - this seems like the ticket.

1 comment:

HellaBass said...

Good observation, I have seen the tickers ecspecially during BASS Satruday shows. Nice Blog, I will be back often ;)

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